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Tyre track eel

Tyre track eel

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The Tire Track Eel, also known as the Spiny Eel, is a nocturnal predator and a member of the Mastacembelidae family. Members of this family, also referred to as the Spiny Eel family, are not true eels. They are elongated tropical freshwater fish that have numerous spines preceding the dorsal fin.

A larger aquarium with a soft substrate is necessary for this fish. The Tire Track Eel will dig in the substrate and bury itself; this may uproot plants and rearrange decorations. Two teaspoons of salt may be added per 2-1/2 gallons of water for the Tire Track Eel. This fish should be kept with other large fish that the eel will not consider as food.

Unfortunately, the breeding habits of the Tire Track Eel have not been documented.