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Galaxy pleco L07

Galaxy pleco L07

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Rough purchase size 5-6cm.

The Galaxy Plecostomus also known as the Vampire or Tooth-Nose Pleco Pleco, comes from the Amazon Basin of South America. It is black with many striking yellow spots covering the entire body. The common name for this catfish comes from the bristle-like barbells that are present on the upper side of the mouth. Tooth-Nose Plecos make good additions to any community aquarium.

Planted aquariums with high aeration and water movement make for a healthy environment. Rocks and driftwood help to accent a natural habitat and provide hiding spaces to cut down on stress for the Tooth-Nose Pleco. A recommended minimum tank of 50 gallons should be provided to house this fish.

Breeding in an aquarium setting has not been successful yet, however, different methods are being used in the industry. The Galaxy Plecostomus is an egg-layer that tends to use plants and rocks as an anchor.